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"Anonymous" Hackers May Be Seen As Vigilantes But We The People Need Them

We are anonymous

We are the Legion

We do not forgive

We do not forget

Expect us

Who is Anonymous?

These are the words of the self-termed hacker group Anonymous who has received so much attention during these past recent years. But who is Anonymous and what do they want? Journalist Genova Sands reports, “While there are no specific goals, there is an overarching desire to combat censorship, promote freedom of speech, and counter government control that sparks people in the so-called collective into action, according to Housh.” Anonymous is highly against any country that may be oppressing the people in anyway. Anonymous hackers are also well known for exposing personal or even confidential information. For exposing corrupt politicians and proving to the public that the government isn't always telling the truth. Before talking about what the anonymous hackers do, it's important to learn some of their background About them.

Why do we need Anonymous?

These anonymous hackers are well know for expressing their opinion. In the year 2004 these unknown hackers came into the light to grasp the public's attention. In a website reportedly made by the anonymous group they show they express what they believe in, “As you will learn, Anonymous isn't an organization or group of people with a leader, it's much different than that. Anonymous stands for something, it means ultimately it wants to hold those in power accountable for their actions” ( What this is trying to prove is that anonymous isn't a group that just hacks to steal information or to steal money or anything deemed as morally wrong, but they hack because they want those in power to actually use their power but for good. To hold our public officials accountable to we the people. The problem with those empowered is that they usually use their power to either oppress and hide the truth from the people in order for the the wealthy or empowered selfish to benefit from it.

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